Saturday 12 November 2011

comic 1


  1. 继续努力,天天向上~~加油~~!!

  2. 最後一格鼻子不見啦~~:D

  3. 哇~Inking了呢


  4. 继续加油,别放弃.我永远支持你的漫画.XD

  5. Why did u have to make the main character so cute but his ending so sad?Whats the point of 'saving' the school if he's dead?It'd be better if the story were about them trying their best,still unable to retain the original school building,but neither of them having to die.This kid has great potential in the film industry.
    Your art is good,but honestly,the arc on the assasination plot and the killer bee sucked,which i could still have accepted if not for yu wen's death.His death killed everything,no matter how u try to make his legacy sound.To me the whole story fell apart at that point.If u are still reading this,author.

  6. I'm surprised they didnt film down the portion of them on the expedition to rid the village of the killer insects,and of yu wen's sacrifice.I'm sure it'd have won an even bigger prize,especially with it being true.Please dont tell me even right at the end,none of the adults knew how the boy really died?It'd be really really sad if so.Were the 3 culprits even being apprehended,or did they get away scotfree?
    But as i said,nothing can compensate for his death,so this story is still spoilt unless his death were averted.I wish the ending could be changed.
